Organic Coconut Oil Information
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Dr. Mary Newport’s Work on Alzheimer’s
Dr. Newport’s husband, quickly deteriorating with Alzheimer’s, found a miraculous and an immediate increase in brain function in just 24 hours after taking two tablespoons of virgin coconut oil. In 2008, for a medical screening he was asked to draw a simple clock (see picture #1 below) which noticeably showed an adult with decreased brain function. 
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The Health Benefits of Coconut Oil :
The most recent breakthrough on understanding the health benefits comes from Dr. Mary Newport’s work on Alzheimer’s in her husband. She identified organic coconut oil as an excellent source of fuel which can increase brain functions. Her findings have implications for memory improvement as well as for neurological degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Lou Gehrig’s (ALS), diabetes, etc.

Brain cells (specifically neurons) are limited in what kinds of fuel they can use to stay alive. Glucose is the main fuel used by these cells but in Alzheimer’s patients certain neurons of the brain are unable to use glucose and consequently, slowly die off. This death of these brain cells may begin as much as a decade before symptoms actually become apparent.

However, neurons that are unable to use glucose can instead use an alternative fuel known as ketone bodies. Ketone bodies are readily made by the liver from medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oils (found in large amounts in coconut oil- over 60% MCT’s). Having access to these needed ketone bodies may be crucial in keeping these brain cells alive and in helping them to continue to function as normal.  

Dr. Newport’s husband, quickly deteriorating with Alzheimer’s, found a miraculous and an immediate increase in brain function in just 24 hours after taking two tablespoons of virgin coconut oil. In 2008, for a medical screening he was asked to draw a simple clock (see picture #1 below) which noticeably showed an adult with decreased brain function. However, the results of a clock drawn after taking coconut oil for two weeks (picture #2) and after 37 days (picture #3) are miraculous to say the least. See below for all three pictures. To date, her husband continues to take coconut oil and has noticed an improved quality of life. He is alert, happy, talkative, cracking jokes, able to concentrate better, more social and has a decrease in tremors. Click here for full article.

Clock #1 - The day before starting coconut oil.

Clock #2 - Two weeks after starting coconut oil.

Clock #3 - Thirty-seven days after starting coconut oil.

Images taken from Dr. Mary Newport’s

​This website is designed for educational purposes only and does not render medical advice or professional services. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have -- or suspect you may have -- a health problem, you should consult your health care provider.

President of Nature's Approved, Ken Lightburn with Dr. Mary Newport and her husband Steve.
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