Organic Coconut Oil Information
Coconut Oil Recipes!!!
Add to Coffee & Smoothies.
Great for Cooking!
For Healthy Hair, Skin, & Teeth
Pure Cold Pressed Organic Coconut Oil from the Beautiful Fiji Islands. Guaranteed!
Interested in learning more?
1.) Coconut Oil Oatmeal
2.) 4-Egg Spinach French Omelet - Serves Two
3 Tb Nature's Approved®Long Life Coconut Oil
4 eggs, brown or white (free-range, organic)
2 Tb water
2-3 cups fresh organic spinach
½ tsp black pepper, ground
½ tsp cayenne pepper, ground
Salt, to taste
(Makes 2 servings)
3.) Raw Superfood Treats
These are delicious and so healthy for you!
Melt these ingredients over low heat:1 cup Nature's Approved® Long Life Coconut Oil
1 cup raw almond butter
1/2 cup raw organic agave syrup
several drops of liquid stevia1
TB organic almond extract
Place these ingredients in a large bowl and stir well until mixed:
2 cups raw cacao1/
2 cup yacon flour1/
2 cup mesquite flour1/
2 cup maca1/
2 cup organic shredded coconut
1 TB cinnamon
1 TB ginger
1 TB cardamom
1/4 tsp sea salt
Put 1 cup dried goji berries in food processor with 1/4 hot water and blend. Add this to the melted mixture and let berries plump a bit.
Then add melted mixture to dry flours in bowl and stir well. Place in greased or lined pan and let mixture set. When firm, cut into bite size pieces.